STEM YEA Scholarships

Let's go a step further.

Our students are motivated, curious, and excited by the STEM opportunity presented to them by our immersive academy. We hope that we can influence these students to consider a STEM career upon completion of their secondary school education.

Unfortunately, financial barriers can prevent some students from seriously considering a STEM career. Many of our students may have great difficulty gathering the financial resources necessary to pursue a STEM education after high-school graduation. The STEM YEA team is cognizant of this, and to help offset this problem, is proud to sponsor the STEM YEA Scholarship Fund!

A scholarship to attend post-secondary education will be awarded to one deserving student from each academy class. We anticipate that the first award will be made to an enrollee of our first academy in 2022, scheduled to graduate in 2027. The award will be granted based on a combination of high school achievement in STEM courses and financial need. The recipient of the scholarship must major in a STEM field and maintain academic excellence. To help meet these goals, the committee is proud to announce that Rotarian Joyce Farmer, Director of Financial Aid at DeSales University, and a financial aid administrator since 1988, is lending her expertise to help us select the very best candidates.

The time to build up this fund is now!

Think of the impact this could have on the future of deserving students! When generous people of good will pull together, great things can happen!

The STEM YEA team greatly appreciates your partnership in changing the lives of underserved students.

Please contribute to the STEM YEA Scholarship Fund by using the form below, or sending a check made out to AWRC Foundation,
(STEM YEA Scholarship Fund on the memo line) and send to:

STEM YEA Scholarship Fund, c/o Michael R Seidner MD,
PO Box 443, Gwynedd PA 19436-0443